

I absolutely love Jimmer Fredette. I feel like it is an amazing treat every time I get to watch him and he never disappoints. Tonight Jimmer dropped 52 on New Mexico. If he's not National Player of the Year, college basketball would lose all respect, period.

Nothing gets me more pumped than watching Jimmer pop a 30-footer like its nothing. The last win against San Diego State, a neighbor actually knocked on our door to ask if everything was ok after Jimmer busted one from DEEP. (I must have been yelling, I'm not even sure)

So naturally, out of love and respect, when we got a (BYU) blue pet fish, we had to name him Jimmer. Here is Jimmer the fighting fish:


  1. You sound like my husband, he has the Jimmer man crush too.

  2. I am not ashamed of the Jimmer man crush
